A fast-paced game where everyone trades their cards at the same time.
Be the first player to collect all of the ingredients on your recipe card to win.
- 6 Recipe Cards
- 42 Ingredient Cards
- 6 Rule Cards
- 1 Bell
Game Setup
Less than 6 players, start at step 1.
For a 6 player game, start at step 2.
Lay out the six (6) recipe cards. Match each recipe card with its seven (7) ingredient cards. Use the recipe icons to help with sorting.
- For 3 players, use 3 recipe sets.
- For 4 players, use 4 recipe sets.
- For 5 players, use 5 recipe sets.
Place the remaining recipe sets to the side of the table.
Dealer Information
For the first round, the dealer is the player who last ate at a restaurant.
For other rounds, the dealer is the winner of the previous round.
- Shuffle the ingredient cards and deal seven (7) cards face down to each player.
- Players may look at and sort their ingredient cards.
- Shuffle the recipe cards and deal one (1) card face down to each player.
- The recipe card remains face down until the start of the round.
- Place the bell in the center of the table, within reach of all players.
How To Play
- The dealer starts the round by ringing the bell.
- Everyone plays at the same time. There are NO TURNS.
- Players pick up and look at their recipe card and see what ingredient cards they need to keep, and which ones to trade.
- Players continue trading until the end of the round.
There are 4 food groups (colors)
Trading Rules
- You may trade with any player at any time, as often as you want.
- Select one or more cards that are in the SAME food group color and call out the number of cards that you are trading.
- Always keep your cards FACE DOWN when trading.
- Always trade an equal number of cards with others.
- Do not reveal any details about your cards except for the number you are trading.
You will not know what ingredients or food group you will receive in a trade.
After viewing your traded cards, keep the ones you need and then continue trading.
- If you can trade a certain number of cards but others can only trade fewer, you can split your hand and trade the smaller number of cards.
e.g. You have 3 cards to trade, and someone else has 2 cards to trade. You can trade 2 cards with them. - You are NOT required to collect ingredient cards with the matching recipe icon in order to complete the recipe.
Remember: traded cards must be the same food group color
Forbidden Trade
The food group colors of these cards do not all match and cannot be traded together.
End of Round
The first person to collect ALL seven (7) of their required ingredient cards and shouts “Order up!” and rings the bell is the winner.
False Call: If a player shouts “Order up!” or rings the bell and they HAVE NOT collected ALL of their ingredient cards, continue play. That player will lose 5 points during the scoring phase.
The winner of the round: 10 points
ALL players: 1 point for each of their ingredient cards with a recipe icon matching their recipe card.
False Calls: -5 points
This player has completed their recipe and won the round, earning 10 points. Two of their cards have the Burrito icon, so they earn an extra 2 points.
The Next Round
- If playing with less than six (6) players, take the completed hand from the winner (both recipe card and ingredient cards) and exchange them with an unused recipe set from the side of the table.
- Take only the cards that the player won with. You do not need to match the recipe icons with the recipe card, as done during setup.
Setup for the next round by shuffling the ingredient cards and recipe cards and dealing them to each player, like in the first round.
See Game Setup, steps 2-5
Ending the Game
The game ends when a player reaches a score of 50 or more.
The winner is whoever has the most points. If there is a tie, you can choose to end the game or play another round.
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